Tag Archives: Child

Pleasure P Address Child Molestation Charges On The Ed Lover Show

Pleasure P sits down with Ed Lover & Malikha Mallette in an EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW to address the child molestation allegations, how this internet rumor has affected him & what he’s doing to prove his innocence.

click HERE To Listen to the FULL Interview

Part 1 Pleasure P’s lawyer disputes the validity of the documents that were posted about Pleasure P says law firm does not exisit

Part 2 Ed asks if Pleasure P thinks Pretty Ricky had anything to do with the allegations? Says he believes rumors like this is the price of fame..mentions Bria as in Bria Murphy-Eddie and Nicole Murphy’s daughter

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Australian PM Kevin Rudd Says Sorry For Child Abuse….



Australian PM Kevin Rudd has apologised to the hundreds of thousands of people, some British migrants, who were abused or neglected in state care as children.

Mr Rudd said he was “deeply sorry” for the pain caused to the children and their extended families.

He said he hoped the national apology would help to “heal the pain” and be a turning point in Australian history.

Some 500,000 “forgotten Australians” were abused or neglected in orphanages and children’s homes from 1930 to 1970.

Mr Rudd’s speech comes after his formal apology last year to Australia’s Aboriginal community, especially the Stolen Generation.

These were Aborigines who were taken from their parents and sent to state institutions and white families to be brought up under a policy which ended in the 1960s.

‘Lost childhoods’

The Canberra ceremony was attended by hundreds of people forced to migrate to Australia when young, some 7,000 of whom still live in Australia.

Some wept openly and held each other as Mr Rudd shared stories of survivors he had spoken to, including those who were beaten with belt buckles or sexually violated as children.

Kevin Rudd also offered an apology to child migrants taken from the UK to Australia after the war, often without their parents’ consent.

On Sunday, the UK government said the British prime minister would apologise for the forced migration policy next year.

“We are sorry,” Mr Rudd told a gathering of 1,000 people at Parliament House.

“Sorry for the tragedy – the absolute tragedy – of childhoods lost.

“Sorry that as children you were taken from your families and placed in institutions where so often you were abused. Sorry for the physical suffering, the emotional starvation and the cold absence of love, of tenderness, of care.”

Mr Rudd said the government would work to ensure that such a tragedy would never happen again.

“Let us resolve this day that this national apology becomes a turning point in our nation’s story,” he said. “A turning point for governments… to do all in our power to never allow this to happen again.”

Mr Rudd said it was important to acknowledge the past in order to be able to move forward as a nation.

“The truth is, this is an ugly story,” Mr Rudd told Parliament House. “The truth is great evil has been done.”

Speaking directly to the gathering, he said: “It is my hope that from today, you will be called the ‘remembered Australians’.”

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