Tag Archives: (B**ch A** N***a)

Signs That He May Be A “B.A.N.” (B**ch A** N***a)

I think its safe to say that the majority of females believe that men are the new b*tches. Lets face it the roles have reversed, more and more female don’t want any strings attached, and they just want to call a man when they need their back broke, a$$ chewed out or their faucet fixed. While males want to sit in the house just to cuddle, talk on the phone and send text messages in the middle of day that just say “I was thinking about you” Well here are 15 signs he might be cry baby bish @ss Nicka

1. When you come in from work he gives you a run down of All My Children, Days of Our Lives and the rest of your favorite soaps.

2. If he owns more Mary J albums than you… he might be a B.ish A.$$ N.icka

3. The battery on your phone dies and he starts calling your mother, your friends and your job looking for you.

4. He exfoliates his skin and his soap smells a lot better than yours.

5. If your man hates on T.I., 50 Cent, Plies, and Reggie Bush simple because you think they’re cute… He might be with a B.A.N.

6. You allow a dude to come over for a booty call and after the sex is done, instead of putting on his clothes and leaving, he starts to play videos games, wash dishes or he breaks out the comet to clean out your refrigerator.

7. You decide to change your number and he ask… WHY?

8. You disrespect him on purpose and he replies with I’m sorry

9. You disrespect him again, then hang up on him and he calls you back to say I’m sorry

10. You hang up on him after doing the above and he sends you a text message to say… I’m sorry

11. Right after sex he asks “What are we?”

12. You met him at the club and before you get to your car he’s sending you a text.

13. He suffers from Coming to America-itus [He does whatever you like, and whatever you suggest]

14. When you don’t give him any poon-tang he goes in the kitchen and starts crying

15. He cries more than the star in the latest made for tv movie airing on Lifetime and Tila Tequila combined

What are some other signs a man might be a B.A.N.?


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