Watoto From The Nile – “Letter To Lil Wayne” [Video]

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Letter to Lil Wayne (Girls call out Lil Wayne f…, posted with vodpod


Not everyone hangs on Lil Wayne’s every lyric, thinking he is the best rapper ever.

Watoto From The Nile’s song “Letter to Lil Wayne” is deep and moving.

Written and rapped from the perspective of little girls. The song talks about the confusion felt by children when they hear stars like Weezy say things that go against what they are taught at home and in school.



Filed under Beef, Entertainment, Hip-Hop, Music, Video

2 responses to “Watoto From The Nile – “Letter To Lil Wayne” [Video]

  1. Ben

    Kids got skills too!

  2. stacy lisles

    The original version is just hit iTunes!! I am supporting the little goddesses

    The Official Letter to lil wayne hits iTunes!!!

    Ringtone http://www.myxer.com/get/item/10399212

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