Tag Archives: Romero

Eye Candy Model: Exclusive Interview w/ Stephany Romero!

Name: Stephany Romero

Age: I am 29 years old

Location: I am from California

Measurements: My measurements are 38-27-42

Astrological Sign: I am true Virgo

The biggest misconception about me is (without saying that your
stuck up)…?
Honestly I haven’t really been able to observe what someone
conceives me as. I just do me while staying true to myself!


Can you cook? If you can, what’s your specialty? If not why? O
yes I got it! I love to cook because I love to eat. I don’t have just
one special dish, I can cook!… so all of them are special lol

What’s your favorite body part and why? Would be my fingers so I
can tweet! lol No really my favorite body part would be my hips. I feel
when you have hips that is when your womanhood is revealed.

Can we buy you a drink and if so, what kind? It depends on my
mood if I’m in the kick it mood at home or at a sports bar I will take
a draft beer or a Heineken light. If I am feeling my bubble
bath,candles and Jazz I will do some wine…but my favorite is Bailey’s
the original flavor on the rocks!

What’s your fetish? I don’t have a fetish

What are some turn ons/offs of yours in the bedroom? Well if I
tell what turns me on in the bedroom… I would be telling my secret so
I will tell what turns me off…and that is to be spanked hard.


If you could spend the evening with one celeb who would it be and
what would you want to do? Why does it have to be a celebrity?
If I
could spend the night with a great man it would definitely be on the
west coast watching the sunset on a beach… I’m thinking of Maui

Thongs or Boy Shorts? I like both but if I had to choose between the two it would be a thong

What’s a hidden talent about you that not too many people know? I’m a poet

What is your favorite part of a mans body? his back!

If you could have one wish what would it be? To get rid of all the diseases in the world

What can we expect from you in the near future? To see more of me (dot dot dot)


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Filed under Entertainment, Eye Candy, Magazine, Models